Love the Journey

Photo By Kira Zilla
My morning has turned into a ritual of sorts. I wake, read my bible, pray, drink a smoothie, then run.

Sounds like a lot to do before 9am, and the first day was tough, so was the second day... But overtime, I've noticed that I am lost without it. Here is what it does for me:
1. Reading my Bible and praying helps to prepare me spiritually for the day ahead. I am centered afterward, and I am left with clarity about how to approach the day and the tasks ahead. Moreover, I am reminded each morning that today is all that matters, and living it fully, with love and piece of mind are paramount.

2. My breakfast smoothie is not only a boost of caffeine for energy, it's a metabolism boost as well. Eating breakfast in the morning is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Running in the morning has become a way to love myself. I wake up and tell myself that today, because I love myself enough, I am going to take care of my body. I am going to give it the attention it needs to be at its best, which in turn makes me better. I'm learning to see exercise as a necessary part of honoring the temple that God created.

Ultimately, I am learning to love the journey, not the destination. I am so thankful for that.


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